Pathways/Senderos Center
Presented by GNBTPP Inc.

Who We Are
Our Roots
The Pathways/Senderos Center was established in January 1993. The community-based after school program targets youth experiencing poverty and their families in New Britain for comprehensive, holistic services designed ultimately to prevent teen pregnancy. We use a case management approach to provide long-term, intensive services for youth and their families.
Our program model includes seven integrated components: academic support; career preparation; family life and sex education; violence prevention; recreation/lifetime sports; health care referrals; and self-esteem enhancement.
Our Mission: To eliminate teen pregnancy by addressing its root causes, assuring high school graduation and promoting adult self-sufficiency. We provide long-term, comprehensive, holistic service by creating a parallel family structure with New Britain youth and parents.

Helping Those Who Need Us Most
The Future Looks Bright
Local Empowerment
Making Change Possible